Time-efficient and Semi-automated Production and Screening of Proteins

S.R.Sekar, S.Ilhan, Uwe Jandt, An-Ping Zeng Synthetic Biology and Engineering 2023,1(3),10016

Application of the all-in-one electrode for in situ H2O2 generation in hydroxylation catalyzed by unspecific peroxygenase from Agrocybe aegerita

GiovanniV. Sayoga , VictoriaS. Bueschler , Hubert Beisch , Dirk Holtmann , An-Ping Zeng, Bodo Fiedler , Daniel Ohde , Andreas Liese

Advances and perspectives of biosynthesis of chemicals based on CO2 and other one-carbon feedstocks

Yongfei Liu, Jianming Liu, Jinglei Nie, Anping Zeng Chinese Science Bulletin , Volume 68, Issue 19: 2470 - 2488 (2023)

Turn air-captured CO2 with methanol into amino acid and pyruvate in an ATP/NAD(P)H-free chemoenzymatic system

J Liu, H Zhang, Y Xu,H Meng, and AP Zeng(2023)Nature Communications. (Accepted)

Novel synthetic co-culture of Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium drakei using CO2 and in situ generated H2 for the production of caproic acid via lactic acid

Jan Herzog, Alexander Mook, Lotta Guhl, Miriam Bäumler, Matthias H. Beck, Dirk Weuster-Botz, Frank R. Bengelsdorf, An-Ping Zeng* (2023)Engineering in life sciences


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Electrochemically mediated bioconversion and integrated purification greatly enhanced co-production of 1, 3-propanediol and organic acids from glycerol in an industrial bioprocess

Chijian Zhang, Pawin Traitrongsat, An-Ping Zeng* (2023) Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering

Biosynthesizing structurally diverse diols via a general route combining oxidative and reductive formations of OH-groups.

Y. Liu, W. Wang, A. Zeng* (2022) Nature Communications.

Strain evolution and novel downstream processing with integrated catalysis enable highly efficient co-production of 1,3-propanediol and organic acid esters from crude glycerol.

C. Zhang, S. Sharma, C. Ma, A. Zeng* (2022) Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Novel synthetic co-culture of Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium drakei using CO2 and in situ generated H2 for the production of caproic acid via lactic acid.

Herzog, J., Mook, A., ... & Zeng, A. P. (2022) Engineering in Life Sciences.
